
Welcome to our blog. We'll be posting the best gift ideas that we come across and also general chit chat about gift selecting. If you are not familiar with GiftGen, it is a gift suggestion website. You just select a price range, age range and gender to get hundreds of gift ideas. Click here to try it!

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Make a Christmas Tea Tree

This super cheap Christmas present idea looks very effective, and with 20 individually wrapped teabags costing as little as 75p at Tesco, won't hit your pocket. There are instructions here - Make a Christmas Tea Tree (thirstyfortea.com)  You can make the cone out of cardboard (e.g. cereal box). There are also various videos of how to make them on youtube here - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Make+a+Christmas+Tea+Tree

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