
Welcome to our blog. We'll be posting the best gift ideas that we come across and also general chit chat about gift selecting. If you are not familiar with GiftGen, it is a gift suggestion website. You just select a price range, age range and gender to get hundreds of gift ideas. Click here to try it!

Saturday, 2 October 2010

FREE gift ideas

We're always keen to have as many FREE gift ideas as possible in our database, and in the current economic climate, we feel it's even more important. Homemade or personal gifts can be the most appreciated and cherished of all.

For craft/making ideas try make-stuff.com

For cooking ideas try the North pole cook book

When we can't find a site that helps you with a free idea, then Mark sets up a page at his virgin freespace like these...

Mark's FREE favour vouchers

Mark's printable bookmarks

If you have any great free gift ideas then don't hesitate to let us know