
Welcome to our blog. We'll be posting the best gift ideas that we come across and also general chit chat about gift selecting. If you are not familiar with GiftGen, it is a gift suggestion website. You just select a price range, age range and gender to get hundreds of gift ideas. Click here to try it!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Buy Less this Xmas

If you're anything like me, right about now you're thinking about what to get people for Christmas. Although buying presents is meant to be about the joy of finding a really thoughtful gift that shows how much you care...

...somehow the reality is often a last-minute panic, and gifts that minutes after being received, have already been mentally assigned to the charity shop, or worse.

Instead of giving something that might be unwanted, how about giving a homemade present this year? There’s something about knowing the person has put in all that effort to give you something unique, that's difficult to beat. And it’s not so hard to make good gifts either.

Here's some ideas: Sloe gin (buy gin, pick sloes, combine - pour into a recycled glass bottle ... job done!); sugar body-scrubs in old jars with labels you’ve designed; a photo book; an mp3 mix tape – anything you can think of really. For some alternative inspiration, Max McMurdo from Kirstie's Fill Your House for Free shares his Xmas upcycling ideas on Nigel's eco store blog

And for presents that you do buy, buy vintage (on ebay), buy handmade (on etsy), buy something that people will love, that's resourceful and that doesn’t cost the earth.

About the author
Nigel from Nigel's Eco Store is passionate about reducing our household energy use.

See all GiftGen's 'making' gift ideas here.